About Us

Federal Tribal Prosecutor for Oklahoma Indian Country

Over 28 Years of Experience Oklahoma Indian Child Welfare Act 1982
University of Oklahoma School of Law- Indigenous Peoples Law

Professional, Experienced, Legit, There is only ONE.


Oklahoma is The Home of the Red Man. Primary Law of the Land are Treaty with Oklahoma Federal Recognized Tribes Corporations formed in 1938. The Federal Tribal Prosecutor: for the Protections of just claims and rights of treaties and treaty agreements with the united states; to protect our culture, heritage, and religion; and to protect and maintain our reserved allotted lands and other lands; to manage tribal lands and property; to transact our tribal business and economic enterprises in domestic and foreign trade; negotiate with representatives of Federal, state, local and tribal ceremonial governments, in regard to al matters of ourselves and out posterity, do hereby establish this Oath of office to the People of Turtle Island.

Oath of Office: To support and Protect the Constitution of the Tribes of Indian Country and to administer Justice in Indian Country with Integrity and fairness.

Kispokotha Shawano

Committed To Helping Our Clients Succeed

History & Expertise

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